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The Cost of Skipping Routine Dental Visits: 4 Reasons To Schedule One Today

October 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowgrovedentist @ 1:44 pm

One primary reason that people put scheduling their checkups and cleaning with their dentist on the backburner is because they don’t want to spend the money. The problem with this logic is that it’ll actually cost you more money down the road when you don’t keep up with your semi-annual preventive visits. After all, who wouldn’t want to keep oral health problems from ever developing in the first place? Read on for four reasons to pick up the phone and visit your dentist today.

Detect Oral Cancer Early

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, oral cancer will impact about 53,000 Americans this year. Of those diagnosed, nearly 10,000 will die. Your dentist’s goal is to reduce that number, which is why they conduct oral cancer screenings at every routine checkup and cleaning. It’s a painless process that takes no longer than five minutes, but could save your life. Because the disease progresses so quickly, early intervention can drastically increase someone’s chances of successfully having it treated, making screenings important to get regularly.

Save Yourself From Needing Invasive Treatments

Your dentist conducts treatments that range from small, minimally invasive ones, such as cavity fillings, all the way to root canals and tooth extractions. A cavity filling can be completed in a jiffy and requires virtually no special aftercare, while it can take a week or more to recover from other, more invasive procedures. Letting oral damage progress and become more severe can be a bigger disruption to your everyday life and cause you to miss days at work or school. Instead of needing timely, invasive treatments, settle for a preventive procedure that tackles issues while they’re still easily manageable.

Tackle Gum Disease Before It’s Too Late

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every two American who are over 30 years old has periodontitis, which is a progressed form of gum disease. These statistics make the condition seem like it’s impossible to avoid; however, it’s easily preventable. With routine cleanings and checkups, your dentist can spot the early symptoms and treat the condition before it ever has a chance to become more severe.

Preventive Care Doesn’t Break the Bank

As mentioned before, leaving small problems untreated will only make them worse, resulting in the need for more invasive procedures. These treatments are also more costly as well. Dental insurance usually follows a rule of 100-80-50. That means they’ll pay for 100 percent of the cost of routine preventive care, 80 percent for basic treatments like fillings, and 50 percent for major services. That means that (in most cases) the more severe the oral health problem is, the more you’ll need to pay out-of-pocket to get it treated.

When you are dedicated to keeping up with routine preventive care, you’ll keep your wallet full, your mouth looking and feeling healthy, and your stress to a minimum. Semi-annual checkups and cleanings may seem inconvenient, but remember that there’s nothing more anxiety-inducing than a severe toothache that won’t go away and requires an unexpected emergency visit to your dentist.

About the Author

Dr. Krunal Patel has over a decade of experience in the dental field. He loves helping his patients by giving them the treatment, tools, and knowledge they need to maintain beautiful and healthy smiles for their entire lives. He is passionate about continuing his education by taking courses that sharpen his skills and expand his knowledge every year. For questions or to schedule a routine checkup and cleaning, visit Advanced Smile Design’s website or call 215-659-3334.

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